Friday, September 17, 2010

Touring PEI

Boy oh boy - did it rain last night! We got 40 mm since midnight! But this morning it has tapered to a drizzle and we do not melt, so we spent the day driving around the eastern part of the island. We drove along coastal roads, stopping to look at lighthouses and fishing boats returning to the harbour and unloading their catch. In the center of the island, we found among the potato fields, a Potato Museum! As a Dutch Boy, Jack felt right at home. The PEI countryside is very beautiful with its green, green fields and red, red soil.
The the most northwestern point where the Northumberland Strait meets the Gulf of St Lawrence is the North Cape Lighthouse and a large wind turbine farm. Off the coast is the graveyard of numerous ships lost off this coast. There are tons of seaweed on the shore and nearby in Miminagash, descendants of Irish immigrants still harvest it with Clydesdale horses and wooden rakes. They also make a seaweed pie here.
After a short stop a one retiree's project of making a house of recycled bottles, then coffee and pie at a bakery in Summerside, we headed back to the RV in Cavendish.

1 comment:

WarLlama said...

Tell me you had some seaweed pie, sounds yummy. haha