Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Digby Ferry

We arrived in Digby, Nova Scotia by 5pm and parked at the Walmart because we have to get to the docks by 7am to take the ferry to St. John, New Brunswick. We woke to drizzle and fog and drove in the dark to line up and pay $290 (!) for our RV and 2 passengers for the 3 hour ride. But this saves 7 hours of driving to go around the Bay of Fundy and a tank of fuel - not cheap these days. On board, they had great wifi for the computer and we had a wonderful opportunity to Skype Tara and Dylan. It is Greg and Tara's 14th wedding anniversary and Dylan was having peaches and oatmeal for breakfast. He looked at his Oma and Opa and gave us just the biggest grin and then a nice wave! It was so good to see him - we have missed the little guy!
After rolling off, we drove along the New Brunswick coast and crossed the border at Calais, Maine - a small town with room to line up 4 cars or 2 RVs. Then we continued to Bar Harbor, Maine. We set up camp about 6 miles from the entrance to Acadia National Park. We went to the village for dinner - a last opportunity for lobster (Mary) and seafood linguine (Jack) before we begin to make our way home.

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