Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lunenburg is a UNESCO world heritage town and it's history goes back to the early 1700s. They have a rich heritage in shipbuilding and fishing. The famed ship Bluenose was built here in the early 1930s and garnered many prizes in sailing races. But it also had to pay for itself so it was also a fishing boat off the Georges Banks. Lunenburg became a center for rum running during the US Prohibition years. We drove and walked several of the terraced hillside streets and took lots of pictures of the brightly painted Victorian homes. Near the waterfront is a Fisherman's Memorial with hundreds of names inscribed of men lost at sea - the Autumn storms were especially severe and took a sad toll in 1935 and 36. Men who build boats and go down to the sea and the families who stay home have left a significant mark on this Nova Scotia coast

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