Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cape Breton

A rainy misty morning that gives way to sun and cloud later in the day has become standard for our Maritime trip. This morning we drove to Sydney and spent a lovely hour visiting with Alice Thorne, mother of George who is Jack's business partner. Her care-giver, Peggy is from Newfoundland and was soooo hospitable - we even had to stay for a light lunch and received an invitation to Port aux Basque the next time we visit "The Rock".
After lunch we headed with John and Mary to visit the Coal Miner's Museum at Glace Bay and learned about the history and hard work of the Cape Breton coal miners. We actually went into the mine and had to walk hunched over because the ceiling height is only 5 feet.
Then we drove to Big Pond for afternoon tea at Rita's Tea Room. And a lovely surprise awaited us - Rita MacNeil was there and waiting to greet each visitor. This Grammy award winning singer is really a down home person and we spent some time chatting with her and of course buying a CD of her music. The scones and cream and strawberry jam were delicious, too.

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