Monday, September 20, 2010

Historic Charlottetown

In 1867 men from Upper Canada met with delegates from the Maritime Provinces who had already begun meeting to forge a union of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. With the persuasive rhetoric of John A. MacDonald, they agreed after days of discussion to unite together in a federation of provinces and Canada was created on July 1, 1867. We saw this historic room at Province House in Charlottetown. It also houses the provincial legislature of the island.
Charlottetown is lovely old city by the sea with a fine harbour and boardwalk along it's edge. Many historic homes grace the downtown and we did a walking tour before having dinner in Hunter's Ale Pub - seafood, of course! John had a steak accompanied by 4 (!!!) mounds of mashed potatoes (this island is also famous for spuds!)

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