Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flowerpots to Potatos to Lobsters

The sun is out today and we love it! Jack and I went for a hike this morning on a trail in the campground along a man-made dyke to wall off fields for farming. But the relentless sea broke the dyke and let the water in and now it is only a salt marsh. We left the campground about noon so we could return to the Hopewell Rocks to see them at low tide. What a contrast! The tides are 20' high and now the flowerpots are completely exposed. We spent a couple of hours tramping around the beach and climbing into caves and examining the interesting rock formations.
Then we climbed aboard the RV and headed to Prince Edward Island across the 13km Confederation Bridge. It was windy but we felt quite safe as we crossed the Northumberland Strait. Our GPS took us along country roads to the north side of the island to Cavendish. We saw red, red earth and acres of potato fields ready to harvest. At Malpeque Bay, we saw rows of oyster beds in the water. This area has had a lot of rain in the past 2 weeks and the site we were assigned in the campground was more soft than we realized and the heavy RV got stuck in the red clay-like mud. We had to take gravel from the road with a bucket and use our mats to get enough traction to get us out and into a drier site. Thank you, John for your help! As a reward, we headed to North Rustico to the Fisherman's Wharf for a lobster supper. Mmmmm!

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