Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Cabot Trail

On Tuesday, September 21, we woke to clear skies but BIG winds. Hurricane Igor was pounding the cost of Newfoundland and here in Cape Breton, we felt the winds. Up to 70 km per hour winds blew all day but we were driving in John's truck so they did not bother til we got out and had to hold tight to the door lest it be blown off it's hinges! But this made for great waves crashing on the rocky beaches along the cape shore. With fluffy clouds, it made for a good day of touring and stopping at each "look-off" for the spectacular views. Unfortunately, my camera began to die today and I had to resort to using my phone camera whose picture quality is not nearly as good as the camera had been. With fewer tourists in the Fall, we did not have to fight for parking spaces at each stop and had a picnic lunch at Black Creek Cove and it's beautiful waterfall.

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