Monday, March 30, 2009

Zion National Park

We met up with Gerry and Dia TerHaar again in Zion. This is a gorgeous canyon carved by the Virgin River and first discoverd by the Mormons as they emmigrated across Utah. It is marked by steep cliff faces of red rock and a twisty winding road up to the head of the canyon. Gerry walked up the river with boots in the icy water for about a mile but turned back when he got too cold. On Saturday, Jack, Mary and Gerry hiked Angel's Landing Trail. WOW! It is 5 miles RT and has a 1500' elevation gain. This is done via innumerable switchbacks and it is a constant uphill climb. At the top of the switchbacks, you walk deep into a canyon, then climb again - coming out near the top of a ridge, 5000' above the river and canyon floor, Then begins the "fun". You must negotiate your way along a spine with sheer dropoffs on either side and only a few feet wide. There are chains to hold on to and a fear of heights will stop you for sure. Jack was a bit groggy from pain meds so he did not attempt this part - Mary did a part but got scared and stopped, but Gerry made it all the way - another 500' climbing to the very top of Angel's Landing. Quite an accomplishment! On the way down, we heard some young people talking behind us - they were all Calvin College grads and from Grand Rapids, Mich but were now teachers at Rehoboth Chr High School in Gallup New Mexico and knew some our our mutual friends. Small world!

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