Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We'll use our vouchers for the Big Island!

Using the internet for reseach, we found that we could fly to the Big Island for just under $200 each - the value of our vouchers. We had a Hotwire credit so we used that for the rental car. We left early in the morning with TerHaars taking us to the airport. Unfortunately, the weather was drizzzly again. We drove to Volcano National Park on Mauna Loa. The active area is at Kiluea. When we got to the visitor center, it was foggy and we could see nothing. but we lingered and read about the volcano - I even took picutres of the pictures because I thought we'd not see anything. BUT - the fog lifted for about 20 minutes and we saw the caldera and the vent putting out tonnes of sulpher dioxide steam - quite a stink! Then we drove the Chain of Craters Road to the ocean edge - we could see lots of old lava flows - some in ropey interesting formations. But the active lava flow was to the east and we'd need to see it after dark and we had a plane to catch. We were disappointed but saw more that we had planned to when we began out trip to Hawaii.

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