Monday, March 30, 2009

Phoenix to Antelope Canyon to Toothache

Reluctently, we left the warmth of Phoenix and drove north on Monday, March 23. Elevations increased and temperatures dropped. But the sun shone brightly. At a high elevation viewpoint, we met a couple from Holland and chatted for a bit. The next day, we met again on a tour to Antelope Canyon. This is a very narrow slot canyon near Page, AZ that has been weathered by water and wind into the most gorgeous formations. Photographers come from around the world to take pictures here and these grace many art calendars, etc. Tours are run by th Navaho and you ride to the canyon in open trucks and are shaken around and windblown by the time you arrive at the canyon. We took a noon tour so we could capture the rays of the sun beaming down into the narrow "rooms" Fantastic!! We also enjoyed the company of the Dutch couple and went out to lunch with them after the tour.
Jack began developing a toothache as we left Phoenix and it was quite painful for him. We phoned a dentist in Page but they were full and referred us to a town up the road (Kanab) and we got an appt for the following day. We spent the night at Lee's Ferry on the Colorado River - a real find! Red rock canyon walls and the river right at the edge of the campground - still and quite at night with rushing water sounds to put you to sleep - unless you have a toothache! This is the place where many rafting tours begin.
On Tuesday. we got to Kanab in time for the dental appt. Dr Armstrong drilled the cavity and cleaned the infection and put a temporary cap on Jack's tooth and sent him away with penicillin and pain meds. But for the next 3 days, the pain continued off and on, to the point where we were ready to make an appt for a root canal in a town near Zion National Park. But finally on Saturday, March 28, the discomfort abated and we canceled the root canal appt and are hoping for the best -and will take care of things when we get home and our insurance kicks in and we can go to our own dentist.

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