Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An apology from the editor

Internet connections are one of the most frustrating things about moving around in an RV. We are in a new park since our return from Hawaii to Mesa, Arizona and the wifi connection is very iffy in our RV. I worked until 2am last night to publish some posts on this blog. It was late because the internet becomes saturated when everyone is awake and surfing. If I wait until after 10pm, all the retirees have gone to bed and the internet speed is faster. Last night even after midnight, the speed was still variable but I uploaded lots of pictures and narrative to this blog. Then when I checked it this morning, none of the pictures had gotten through! I am now sitting outside on the patio by the Rec Center and the uploading has gone well - BUT the pictures are not in order following the narrative and I apologize for that. Hopefully future blogs will be better and more orderly. Thanks for your patience.

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