Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Waikiki Beach and the Island of Oahu

Our friends, Gerry and Dia TerHaar arrived at their condo several hours before we did and we got together the next morning. We took the bus to Pearl Harbor to see the USS Arizona memorial. This destroyer, bombed on December 7, 1941 along with others, brought the US into the Second World War. It is a tomb for 1123 sailors and it is a solemn and moving place. Oil still leaks from the hull at the rate of a quart a day. It is not pumped out because the hull would collapse and it is a burial place to be respected.
Then we took the bus to Diamond Head and climbed up to the top, 721' above Waikiki Beach and a good lookout vantage point. Diamond Head is a crater and you enter through a tunnel to the middle of the crater and then hike up the inside rim.
The following day we took an all day bus tour of the island. The leeward side gets only 100" of rain each year but the windward side gets 300". It happend to us - wind and rain on the lush side of the island so we rushed in and out of the bus between showers. We saw beaches with giant waves and world class surfers practicing their art, a beautiful Japanese Buddist temple with lovely gardens, and the Dole pineapple plantation. The island no longer grows pineapple for export - canning ceased 30 years ago and pineapple production is only for local use and tourism. We had a yummy pineapple sundae to top off the day.

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