Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Grandstaircase- Escalante National Monument

Vast areas of southern Utah and parts of northern Arizona are known as the GrandStairCase. The Colorado River has made a deep canyon as it has carved it's course through various layers of rock. Through eons of time, vast plateaus have been upraised is a series of "steps" as these land masses have been shifted. Today, you can see hugh vistas and long ridges as they "march" one after the other. Near Capital Reef NP, a long ridge known as the Waterpocket Fold, extends over 100 miles and has numerous holes in it(much like that foam candy).
We camped for 2 days in Escalante and spent time driving the Jetta with Gerry and Dia TerHaar. The first day we drove the Hole-in-the-rock Road to Devil's Garden. This road got it's name from Mormon settlers in 1870 who were immigrating west and came to one of these long high ridges and spent 2 months blasting and digging a hole in the cliff, then used ropes and muscle power to lift the wagons over the obstacle. Devil's Garden is a small pocket area with interesting rock shapes - hoodoos and other strange formations.
The next day. we drove north to Boulder, Utah and explored the Burr Trail, driving along the red rocks of Long Canyon. We hiked up a short but high walled slot canyon and marveled at the endlessly fascinating environment. All four of us are curious people and we love to take pictures and crawl and climb on rocks as we explore. Our God is an awesome Creator and we are very priviledged to explore this part of His world.

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