Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20 - Harry P. Leu Gardens

Today was a gorgeous sunny and warm day. When Jack asked what we would do today, my response was - "Let's so and see some beautiful things" Today, I celebrate an anniversery - 6 years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. These have been years of challenges, disappointments and , yes, some wonderful times as I learn to control a disease that is not always easy to figure out.
So we packed a lunch and went to the Harry Leu Gardens in downtown Orlando. This man gave his property to the city when he died - 50 acres of camellias, roses, palm and bamboo, and other semi-tropical plants. Though we saw extensive damage from the recent frost, we also saw wonderful flowers, especially the camellias - and the scent from them hung over the gardens. As well, the home of Mr Leu and his wife Mary Jane was open for guided tours. After walking around the property, Jack and I spent some time in rocking chairs on the porch overlooking the lake and had an nice rest in the warm Florida sun.

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