Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cold but at least it is sunny

Our first week in Florida has been very cold for this part of the world. Records have been broken that were set in 1977. The citrus growers are anxious that the crop may be lost and each morning when we go for our walk, we must bundle up with our winter coats, toques and mitts - and this is Florida??? We leave our faucet to drip in the RV lest our pipes freeze overnight.
But we are enjoying the warm hospitality of the Wycliffe family. These are wonderful Christian people who volunteer some or all of their winter to build a new building, prune trees, host events for Bible translators and missionaries home on furlough and generally support the work of Bible translation around the world. There are still over 2000 languages and dialects that need translation, including American Sign Language.
We are resting here and Derek is getting stronger and walking with much more ease now that he has his new brace. He is conscientious about his exercises to strengthen his muscles before the next surgery.

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