Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Traveling to Florida

After spending 2 days in Goodrich, Michigan celebrating Christmas at Mary's sisters' horse farm, we are on the road. It is bitter cold, with temperatures reaching a high of 20F and lows in the single digits. While we were on the farm, we had the luxury of being in the house during the day and only needing to run the furnace to keep us warm at night. We also have 15amp power while we are there to keep the water tanks from freezing. It snowed on December 28 and accumulated 2-3 inches. But by Tuesday, Dec 29, the roads were dry though, it was still very cold.
The trip through Michigan and Ohio was uneventful and we spend the night at a Walmart in Richmond, Kentucky. We had to run the generator most of the night to have enough power to keep our water compartment heater working and were happy to be on the road again in the morning. The next day, it was overcast but dry until we reached Perry, Georgia. That night it rained but we were snug in our RV, again at the Walmart.
On the last day of 2009, we got to Florida. The sun began to shine and the temperatures were warmer than up north but still unseasonably cool - in the low 50s during the day. We arrived at Wycliffe Bible Translators in Orlando by 5pm and were greeted warmly by Jack's brother John and his wife Mary. They arrived a few days ago and will spend 3 months volunteering here. We can stay for about 3 weeks in the RV campground until the volunteeer that will occupy our site arrives.
The old year was sent out at a candlelight chapel service led by Mary - a moving way to send out the old and greet the new year 2010.

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