Friday, January 15, 2010

Tampa RV Supershow

The FIRST day of warm temperatures and sunny skies since we left home! Yipee!! We rode with John and Mary in their truck to Tampa, arriving by noon at the RV show. It was crowded with people and also lots of RVs, fifth wheels and trailers on display - as well as a couple of hundred vendors. After fortifying with a burger, we roamed the aisles getting brochures (some with free night's stay at RV parks) and looking at lots of gadgets for the RVing lifestyle. Then we went outside to look in the latest and newest in RVs. We are not in the market but it is always interesting to see what is on offer. We also met friends Bob and Jane Lowe as well as Ron and Sandy Jones - they have a new book out on the the Full Timing Lifestyle. There were bagpipers and other entertainers roaming the grounds. We had a great day!

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