Friday, November 19, 2010

Today, we learned a bit more about geology in this area of Desert Hot Springs. The Coachella Valley lies east/west from a gap in the San Bernadino Mountains with Los Angeles to the west on the coast. Winds funnel through this pass and there are hundreds of windmills strategically placed to take advantage of this wind. Geologic fault lines are abundant under the surface and our RV park lies right along several of them including the San Andreas. When I asked some of the long term residents (in the pool where many spend the afternoons bobbing on foam "noodles" chatting and visiting) if they had experienced an earthquake, they all said "yes, frequently". And they are all waiting for "the big one."
One of the nice things about fault lines is that underground aquifers leak water - some come as hot springs - this RV park has nine hot pools with mineral water that is said to be good for arthritis and other ailments - and some come as oasises in the desert. We hiked today to the Palm Oasis - Hundreds of fan palms hug the oasis pool. Their dead fronds fall to the side of the trunk forming thick "skirts" that make a good hiding place for birds, lizards and other animals. We even saw cougar prints at the water's edge. A beautiful and peaceful place!

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