Friday, November 5, 2010

Heading South

Well, Jack and I are in our RV and heading down the road - this time to the south and some warmer days - we hope! After packing and preparing, saying good byes to friends and family, we left home on Monday, November 1. We drove to Goodrich, Michigan to visit with my sister Jacque and also to see how our son Derek is doing now that he has returned to her horse farm after recovering from his ACL knee surgery. All is well and he is doing fine though he still wears his brace when he is cleaning stalls. While we were there, I went with Derek to take boxes of books to a used book store. He came away with $140 in credits!! to be used for more book buying!
From Michigan, we drove to Bremen, Indiana (near Elkhart) to have someone give us an estimate on repairing the front end of the RV. We had hoped that they might be able to find a new generator door in a timely manner. But they, too, were only able to give us a 6-8 week delivery just as we were told in Brantford. So we decided to have them order the door and we will return in April on the way home to finish the repair and painting. We will spend the winter with the 'black nose' on the face of the RV. But we want to have it looking beautiful by the time we come home because she will be up for sale as we downsize.
We had planned to take I-70 west and visit Lake Tahoe and Yosemite NP but after several days of very cold temps and freezing nights. we decided that this was too northerly a route so today, as we drove through St Louis, we turned south onto I-44 and are presently near Tulsa, Oklahoma at a Walmart and using the wifi of a nearby Holiday Inn. We will head to Amarillo, Texas, and then New Mexico and later the Grand Canyon in Arizona and to the Palm Springs area of southern California before we arrive in Mesa for the winter.

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