Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jambalaya with our neighbors

We have had a great winter here at Mesa Regal RV Resort! One of the reasons is that we have such good neighbors. Both of our nearest neighbors are work campers. They are full time RVers. This means that they have sold their "stick" houses and live only in their RV. In order to support this lifestyle that they love, they take time to stay in one place and work for the the cost of their site. Jim and Judie are from Michigan and their job has to do with social activities here in the park. They put on coffee (eleven 100 cup pots) each Wednesday for the coffee and donuts and announcements morning. They also serve for dinners, and at karaoke and bingo. Art and Connie from New York City do the same thing. George and Kathy are from New York and Montana and they are  the "pool guys". They take care of the pool area in the afternoon four days a week, keeping it tidy and clean. Kathy had been telling us about her famous jambalaya and Friday she fixed a big pot for us and we had lots to eat with the salad and dessert and rolls that the others brought. Kathy is at the front right of the picture. Thanks! it was great!

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