Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Gotta Go"

 The end of March marks the time when many people are packing their RVs and their cars as they get ready to "hit the road". We have made friends, shared laughs, life stories and food together. We have helped each other out and become good friends. Since November, we have been next door neighbors and now it is time for George and Kathy to begin to travel again. As full time RVers,for 13 years,  their home is the RV and they now have travel plans to head east, visit friends and family, and explore where the road leads them. In May they will celebrate their 50th anniversary and we wish them well.

   Jack, Mary, George, Kathy, Judie and Jim as we say "Good Bye"and "Safe Travels". Perhaps we will see each other again in the Fall at Mesa Regal. You have all been a great group of friends!

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