Saturday, March 9, 2013

An Unexpected Connection with a Friend

    When we arrived in this park last November, we met our neighbors. They are work campers who are full time RVers. They stay here for the winter and perform so many hours a week doing jobs for the park and in exchange, they get a free site. Jim and Judie are from Lansing, Michigan and when they heard that we were from Toronto, we played the "do you know" game. They are best friends with Fran who is the sister of a  dear friend of ours, Lucy. Fran is visiting this weekend so we all went out for dinner last night to the San Tan Flat Saloon. We had a great time and practically talked ourselves hoarse.
Remember - this bar is in Arizona - the land of carry-concealed permits, no helmet laws for motorcyclists and other "stay out of my business, big government" types.

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