Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We are off to Hawaii!

Our friends, Gerry and Dia TerHaar have arrived in Mesa after spending 3 weeks in Florida volunteering for Wycliffe Bible Translators. It has been wonderful weather here with clear days and temperatures in the mid 80'sF. The pool has been a relaxing place to stay cool.
Our son Greg celebrated his birthday this week. He went on a 120km bike ride in Clearwater where he and his wife Tara are on a holiday from winter. We are very proud of him and miss he and Tara and Derek a lot.
We are preparing for our trip to Hawaii with the TerHaars. They leave on Friday, Feb 27 for San Diego and will fly from there to Honalulu on Sunday March 1. We will do the same from Phoenix with all of us arriving about the same time. We will share condos and car rentals as we explore Oahau and Maui for 2 weeks. Jack and I are celebrating our 40th anniversery in March and this is the reason for this special trip. I will blog when I can - we may not be able to do so until we return on March 15.

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