Thursday, February 5, 2009

The RV is parked for a month!

We have done a lot of driving since we left home on November 8, 2008 and now we will stay in one place for 5 weeks. We have been to Mesa, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix, several times before, and found that Sun Life RV Resort is a nice place to stay. It is a moderate size with 700 spaces, and has a mix of permanent "park model" homes and also rent-by-day, week, or month, RV spaces. The majority of residents are winter visitors, several from Canada. They have a full range of activities such as ice cream socials, dances, pool and shuffleboard tournements, etc, etc ,etc. We can be as busy as we want and the people are very friendly. We had just arrived and our neighbor walked over to introduce himself and give a a bag of freshly picked navel oranges - yum!
I have not blogged for a couple of weeks because the wifi and computer room here are problamatic - good signal but too many people on at the same time and it slows down. I can only update the blog from my own computer because that is where the pictures are located. Right now, it is almost midnight and the service is great because most people have gone to bed!
Very good friends of ours, Dan and Barb Bloem, from Michigan are here for the winter. They have a condo in Jenison and a condo here in Mesa. We have had a good time with them since we have been here - hiking, day trips, coffee time and trips to that special frozen yoghurt store.
We have had wonderful weather the past 2 weeks - clear blue skies, low humidity (like 7%) and temps in the low 80sF. We really appreciate it whenwe know it is cold and snowy back home.

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