Sunday, February 22, 2009

St Anthony's Monastery in the desert

This week we drove with Dan and Barb Bloem to Florence, about 60 miles south of Mesa. St Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery is hidden off the main road with only a small sign pointing the way. In 1995, several monks from Greece came here and began to build a retreat in the desert. They have transformed the land into an oasis of orange, lemon and olive trees. They have also built a main church and several ornate chapels. It is a lovely shady area with flourishing trees and just a wonderful peaceful atmosphere. Many people come for a retreat of quiet contemplation with the monks and a time of spiritual renewal. One of the pilgrims (from busy New York City) told us she had come for a week and when we walked around the monastery to look not with our eyes but with our hearts and feel God calming out souls. All tourists must dress modestly so I had to put a long skirt over my capris, a scarf over my hair that also covered my neck, long sleeves and socks with my sandals. The monks dress in long black cassocks and spend 5 hours a day in prayer - from 1-4am and from 3-5pm.
Did you know that the Greek cross has 3 cross members? the top short one represents the paper nailed on the cross above Christ's head - "The King of the Jews", the second cross piece was where Christ's hands were nailed and the third lower piece which is tilted represents the two thieves crucified next to Christ - on his right side the one who was saved because he believed and went to heaven so it points up and the thief on the left went to hell so the cross piece points down.

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