Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A trip down Nostalgia Road

After the RV rally, we drove to Jenison just west of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our friends, Dan and Barb Bloem have a condo there as well as in Mesa, Arizona where we enjoy their company over the winter. On the Memorial Day holiday, their children Sally - and her husband Rob and daughters Bristine and Braeleigh - and Amy and husband Scott and sons Jake and Max - came for a BBQ to close out the day. The next morning, after a lovely breakfast, we hit the Nostalgia Road. Dan took us back to where we had all gone to college and we also looked up some of the places we had lived when we were younger. The trees are taller (or not there any longer) and the houses are smaller than we remembered, but it was a wonderful day of telling stories and remembering some good years in our lives.

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