Monday, January 24, 2011

We LOVE to hike and we LOVE Arizona and the proximity of the mountains and the interesting terrain available in which to hike. Today, we hiked with the group from our park (28 people today) up the Peralta Trail into the Superstition Mountains. We followed the streambed of the Peralta Creek 4.12 miles RT and an elevation gain of 1360' (up and down a total of 2720') Following the streambed - dry most times of the year except after a big rain - means that we have to climb over LOTS of stones, rocks and boulders - lots of uneven ground. Then the trip down means doing it again - harder on the knees though! The reward after 2 hours of uphill climbing is the fantastic view of the Weaver's Needle - a rock monolith pointing up into the azure Arizona sky. We spent half and hour at the Fremont Saddle taking in this view and eating our lunch before we trekked back down. Today the temperature was a high of only 70F so it made for pleasant conditions for the hike.

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