Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We are home!

After a 2500 mile journey from Arizona to southern Ontario, we arrived home on Sunday April 11. We had spent Saturday night in the driveway at Jack's brother Hank and his Mary's home in Petrolia. Crossing the border went easily with no questions but the ones to identify ourselves. When we stopped in London, Ontario at the Flying J to fuel up and use the dump station, who should we meet but Jack's brother John who was returning from 3 months in Florida - we knew they were on the way but they were several hours behind us. They had driven a long day on Saturday and it was a lovely surprise to see them there. We pulled over and had a coffee and a chat before we both got on the road again.
We arrived at our home and within 10 minutes Greg and Tara and Dylan arrived with supper for us all. What a joy it is to see that little baby! Dylan has grown and is quite the little social person. He coos and "talks" to you and is full of smiles. He is a beautiful reason to return home!

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