Monday, February 8, 2010

February 4 - By plane to Ontario

We are headed home for 2 weeks. Our trip went well after getting up early to put our RV in the storage compound at the KOA where we have been staying for the past 5 days. The sunrise was beautiful pinks and golds as we drove to Wycliffe so that John could take us to the airport. Because Tara had an appointment for an ultrasound test to determine how the baby is doing, we took a taxi to their home in Oakville. Though Tara had a few hours of false labour, we still had a good time over dinner at Swiss Chalet. By late that evening the contractions had stopped - and we continute to wait for the arrival of our first grandchild. In the midst of the arrival of their first child, a major kitchen renovation goes on at their house - a very busy place! We certainly hope that the baby comes soon so we can spend a few days with this new addition to our family before we must return to Florida. Derek will also have an appointment to determine when his knee surgery will be scheduled.

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