Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Driving across west Texas in the snow!

We had heard that there was a cold front coming and on Tuesday, Feb 23 we woke up to light drizzle, wind and falling temperatures. Because it had been so warm (80F) on Sunday, we felt that when the snow began, that the roads would stay wet and not ice up. So we set out early in the morning and sure enough, as the elevations became higher and temperatures lower, the rain turned to sleet and then to snow. As you can see from the picture, Lily (Derek's cat) had a fascinating time at the rest area for lunch, while she watched the snow fall gently on the picnic tables. By mid afternoon, the snow stopped and the roads were dry. They never were slippery only wet and sloppy. The sunset at the RV park in Balmorhea was a lovely ending to a tense day of driving.

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