Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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February 24 - From Texas to Arizona

This morning, we woke early because we had a phone call to make. Our son Greg celebrates his 39th birthday today! This is the first birthday to celebrate with his wife Tara and their new, 2 week old son, Dylan. When we phoned, Greg was just changing a diaper as he got ready for work - quite a different start to the day than any other birthday! What a wonderful early present that new little son has become.
We hit the road by 8:30 driving across west Texas, changing our watches to Mountain time, and enjoying gorgeous blue skies with hills and mountains in the distance. We stopped at the New Mexico Welcome Center for lunch and continued across New Mexico and into eastern Arizona. As we drove, we remembered the other adventures we have had and sites we have visited in this area over the past several years. With horizons so big, we can see looooong trains as they make their way east. We were blessed with another gorgeous sunset this evening. Tomorrow, we drive to Mesa, Arizona and settle there for the next month. We are looking forward to that.
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At last, we are in Arizona!
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Driving across west Texas in the snow!

We had heard that there was a cold front coming and on Tuesday, Feb 23 we woke up to light drizzle, wind and falling temperatures. Because it had been so warm (80F) on Sunday, we felt that when the snow began, that the roads would stay wet and not ice up. So we set out early in the morning and sure enough, as the elevations became higher and temperatures lower, the rain turned to sleet and then to snow. As you can see from the picture, Lily (Derek's cat) had a fascinating time at the rest area for lunch, while she watched the snow fall gently on the picnic tables. By mid afternoon, the snow stopped and the roads were dry. They never were slippery only wet and sloppy. The sunset at the RV park in Balmorhea was a lovely ending to a tense day of driving.
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After a scary day of driving in the snow and sleet, a beautiful sunset at Balmorhea, Texas
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Monday, February 22, 2010

San Antonio

We will stay here for 2 days while we rest from driving and get some welding done on our tow bar for the Jetta.
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Mission Concepcion

In the early 1700s, Spain sent priests and Jesuit friars to the Mexican territory that covered present day Texas. They built a series of forts or "missions" along the San Antonio River. The Mission San Antonio de Valero became the Alamo. the site of a historic battle. Mission Concepcion, Mission San Jose and San Juan and Espada are still surviving as well as a ancient aqueduct built to supply water for the crops grown at each mission to make them self suffiicient for the priests and the native Mexican Indians who lived at each mission
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The Alamo

In February 1836, about 100 Texan heros including James Bowie and Davy Crockett stood up against 6oo Mexican soldiers under General Santa Anna. After a 2 day seige during which most of the Texans were massacred, Santa Anna over ran the Alamo. This sparked a wave of nationalism and 3 years later, Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto to win freedom for the territory of Texas.
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An afternoon along San Antonio's Riverwalk including a boat ride and a Mexican dinner with enchiladas, tacos, chile relenos, refried beans and rice. It's cool but sunny and a wind that picked up in the late afternoon.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

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The Open Road

Friday, February 19 and we are on the road again! We love to see the open road in front of our windshield. We are headed for Arizona to spend a month in the sun while Derek waits for his knee reconstruction surgery. We will be taking I-10 across the country.
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The next state is Mississippi
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Miles and miles of elevated roadway through the marshes of Lousiana
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Sunday, February 21 - we are now in Texas - it is a huge state and our first stop will be San Antonio
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Dylan Patrick Jagt

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God's Precious Gift

The main reason for flying home for 2 weeks was to await the birth of our first grandchild. Waiting those last few days was not easy for any of us - least of all the expectant parents. When the doctor said that the baby would likely come early, he raised all of our expectations and when the due date came and went, waiting became even more difficult, especially for Tara. But finally after a long, long labour, this precious baby boy was born at 9:46am on Wednesday, February 10, 2010. After crying to announce his arrival, he spent the next 2 hours, just looking around and around at all the people who had come to celebrate his arrival and take his picture! Two sets of grandparents and Uncle Derek were there and he was much intrigued with this new world that he had just entered. Only after he nursed, did he fall asleep.
Greg and Tara had some names picked out but did not name him until the next day because they had to get to know him better to see which name best suited him. He came home the day after his birth and at dinner that evening Greg and Tara told his new Oma and Opa (Jack and Mary) and his new Mammo and Daddo (Andy and Joan McEvoy) that his name will be Dylan Patrick Jagt!
God is faithful and good. Little Dylan is the answer to many prayers over many years and we are all so thankful he is here safely and healthy. Praise God!!
Greg and Tara and their new born son
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A kiss from Oma - Dylan is a precious gift
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A tiny little hand holds Opa's tightly
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Uncle Derek brought Pluto from Disney for me
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A little gnome

Boy! that was an exciting trip home with Mom and Dad in the car. I'd better have a nap!
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Monday, February 8, 2010

February 4 - By plane to Ontario

We are headed home for 2 weeks. Our trip went well after getting up early to put our RV in the storage compound at the KOA where we have been staying for the past 5 days. The sunrise was beautiful pinks and golds as we drove to Wycliffe so that John could take us to the airport. Because Tara had an appointment for an ultrasound test to determine how the baby is doing, we took a taxi to their home in Oakville. Though Tara had a few hours of false labour, we still had a good time over dinner at Swiss Chalet. By late that evening the contractions had stopped - and we continute to wait for the arrival of our first grandchild. In the midst of the arrival of their first child, a major kitchen renovation goes on at their house - a very busy place! We certainly hope that the baby comes soon so we can spend a few days with this new addition to our family before we must return to Florida. Derek will also have an appointment to determine when his knee surgery will be scheduled.

The Gates of The Holy Land

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The Hold Land Experience - Orlando

On Wednesday, February 3, Jack, Derek and I went to the "Holy Land". In central Orlando is the Christian's answer to Disney. We were blessed by the day, especially the Passion Play which took place outdoors on a clear and sunny day. The depiction of Christ's arrest, torture and agony on the cross were moving and realistic - one realizes the terible suffering of our Saviour for our sins - the awful price that needed to be paid and the triumph over Satan and death that Easter and the resurrection signify.
But our day did not start well. We were told at the gate that they did not have interpreters, scripts, closed captioning devices or flashlights for dark places to accomodate deaf people. I was willing to interpret for Derek through the day but the first presentation we went to -"The Tabernacle in the Desert" - was done in almost total darkness (which was not explained to us ahead of time) and Derek did not get anything out of it at all. Other performances - The birth of Christ, The Centurion and the Passion play - were done outside and I had to find a place to the side to interpret for Derek. Each presentation was very well done but I could not always hear the dialogue or singing and there was not a script available for me to use to interpret from. Much more work needs to be done to make this good place accessible to the deaf - just down the road at Disney, they have done things well - hope they check it out and follow what they have done - I wrote a note to them as we left the park.
After being tortured and beaten, Jesus is made to carry His cross through the streets to Golgotha.
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Christ cries "It is finished!" as the Roman soldiers and Satan, dressed in black robes, look on
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