Sunday, April 12, 2009


Good Friday was spent on top of the "rolling wheels" across Texas and Oklahoma. On Saturday, we made our way to Branson, Missouri. We have been here before. This is "Christian Nashville" There are at least 40 theaters that have good clean entertainment, much of it with Christian themes and many have country and western music. On Easter Sunday, we invited our neighbors in the RV park who were from Brockville, Ontario, and also on their way home from Arizona, to come to church with us. We went to Faith Life Church right in downtown Branson and had a wonderful (but long at 2 1/2 hours) service and had lunch afterward with our new friends getting to know them better. That's the beauty of RV travel - new friends are just waiting around the bend to be met.
We hope (God willing) to be in Michigan by Tuesday April 14 to visit with Mary's sister on her horse farm and spend some time with Derek who is helping out there. We expect to drive home finally to Brantford on Saturday April 18 - and see if our condo still meets with our approval after 5 1/2 months on the road. I'm sure we will feel that it is a HUGE space after so many months living in 300 sq ft!

1 comment:

WarLlama said...

Ranch, not horse farm. :)