Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7
We are back to our "home" - still parked in Pompano Beach, Florida. Last week Sunday- November 30 - at 9:15am,
brother-in-law- Cor Bos , husband of Jack's sister Margie, lost his 33 year struggle with cancer and his soul was
recieved in heaven by his loving Father. Cor had his first bout with Hodgkins disease (cancer of the lymph system)
when he was only 22. He and Margie met 3 yeas later when cancer had returned and they both lived with this
disease in their horizon but God granted them many years to raise their 3 children and see 7 grandchildren born.
We flew from Fort Lauderdale to Calgary via Toronto on Wednesday, Dec 3 and met Jack's brothers John and Dave
at the airport to drive the 2.5 hours to Taber. The funeral was on Thrusday - bitter cold especially for Jack and I having
become a bit used to warmer weather but the Alberta skies were clear and bright. It was a real testimony to Cor to
hear so many people talk about what a good and gentle man he was and how Margie was the great love of his life.
We had opportunities to visit with Cor's mother and brothers and sisters and hear more stories of this man that we
will miss very much. As we left the cemetary, the skies were low and overcast and sad but we know that there is
true resurrection joy for those who die in the Lord. Yesterday (Saturday) was a long day of driving back to Calgary
and plane trips back to Florida. It was snowing lightly in Toronto and the plane had to be de-iced before we could
leave - just a little taste of the white stuff for our enjoyment and making us realize more firmly that we really like
warm weather best!! Thanks to Henry and Jan Wildeboer who used our car to go to the airport themselves on
Thursday, our car was waiting for us and we got back to the RV at 1:30am - very tired but happy that we could
be at the funeral and spend time with Margie and her children.Today is Sunday and truly a day of rest for us.

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