Monday, December 22, 2008

Clearwater for Christmas

December 19 - 22
It has not seemed like Christmas until now. Carols in Walmart and lights on a palm tree did not really do anything for me. We hear lots of reports of snow, ice and bitter cold from home and we really love the warmth and sun here in Florida but only in the past couple of days have I really begun to feel that Christmas is almost here. Greg and Tara arrived on Friday. Tara's parents, Andy and Joan McEvoy have a condo here and their son Paul and his wife Makiko and their children are already here. On Sunday, Jack and I went to Calvery Baptist Church right near the RV park and the dry place in my heart was well watered with God's Word and the wonderful music of Christmas carols. Now I'm looking forard to Christmas - its truly a time for family and sharing. Derek comes tomorrow from Michigan to be with us for 5 days! We're looking forward to that.

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