Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Saying "Good Bye"

We have been away from home since early November. Except for 2 weeks at Christmas, we have been in this wonderful RV park - Mesa Regal. We have enjoyed great fellowship and met many new friends while we have been here. Each activity we have been involved with has it's own group of people that we have come to know. We have enjoyed being involved here and have found it to be a friendly and accepting place - from hiking groups, aquafit, yoga, computer classes, street neighbors and just casual conversations in the coffee lines. Gradually the park has emptied out as already, two thirds of the winter residents have begun their journeys home. Going for a walk before bedtime has become a spooky affair - most of the park models are buttoned up, cars left behind have dust covers and great stretches of RV pads are vacant. This is the latest we have stayed in Arizona and now it is our time to leave. Over the past week we have said some more "Good byes" to friends as they took their leave.

 Jim and Judie Vander Galien are heading to Michigan. Though they are full timers, they will store their RV as they travel by car to Long Island to do Disaster Relief work for World Renew in the wake of super storm Sandie. We wish them well!
Other friends Art and Connie are leaving today and heading eventually to Canada to see the beauty of Banff and Jasper National Parks in Alberta and British Columbia

Dan Barb Bloem, though not at Mesa Regal, live nearby in their condo and have been friends for almost 40 years. They, too, have left Mesa to return to Michigan for the summer. We had lunch last week in Fountain Hills - just north of Mesa.

In the middle of the lake is the fountain that "erupts" every hour. We had expected to see this while we had lunch together - but, alas, for some reason the fountain was dry today.
    And now it is our turn - we are packed and almost ready to go. Though we are very ready to see our family again, we are reluctant to leave such a warm and welcoming place. But, though friends have scattered, we will see many of them next Fall when we return; and if they do not return to Mesa Regal, we will stay in touch with email. It has been a good season!

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