Wednesday, November 30, 2011

At the Israel Museum is a large scale model of Jerusalem of the first century. In the foreground is the Temple. The tall gold rimmed building in the middle is the Holy of Holies where the High Priest could enter only once a year to make a sacrifice for the people. Around that is the Holy Place where animal and burnt offerings were made. On the right side, with red tile roof, is a collonaded area where money changers and people selling animals for sacrifice did business. Jesus overturned the tables of those unscrupulous men here. The wall of the temple below this is the only remaining remnant - the Western or Wailing Wall. To the right of the Temple is the Antonia Fortress with it's four towers - one higher than the Holy Temple. This is where Pontius Pilate commanded the Roman soldiers. Right next to that is the Pools of Bethesda. Outside the city walls, at the top of the model is Calvary where Jesus was crucified. This model really helped us put in perspective all the places we had seen over the past days.
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