Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On the July 1 - 4 weekend, we took our RV to Michigan for a visit to Green Acres Farm owned by Mary's sister Jacque and her husband Chuck. Because July 1 was the Canadian holiday, the traffic was very heavy through Sarnia - in fact, it was totally stopped 4 km from the border crossing at the Blue Water bridge. Greg and Tara were following us in their Volkswagen Eurovan. Our air conditioner was working fine but their's was not so Tara and Dylan came into our RV while we sat stopped on the Highway 402. After playing and watching Daddy in the van behind on the back up camera screen, Dylan had lunch and Tara brought Greg some sandwiches. Temperatures were in the high 90s at noon on the highway. Finally we began to move - total time in line - 2 1/2 HOURS!!
We enjoyed sitting in the shade at the farm and looking at the pond, chatting and catching up on news. Uncle Derek was glad to see us and showed Dylan some interesting stuff his iPad can do. Dylan enjoyed petting horses noses and feeding them grass from his side of the fence - it's greener after all! Cats (6), a peacock, mini donkeys, the first time playing in a sprinkler and a BBQ made for a really fun weekend despite temperatures in the low 100s!!!

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