Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monday hiking

On March 15, we met at the flagpole to hike with a group of 34 people from this park. We drove about 20 minutes north east to the shores of Saguarro Lake. This lake, and seveal others, have been created by a series of dams on the Salt River, and are a wonderful recreation source for Phoenicians. As we left the parking lot, we saw kayakers starting off, fishermen on the shore and other boaters on the lake. By the time we returned to our starting point, familes had set up blankets and chairs on the shore for swimming and picnicing. This is March break week for many schools in the Valley of the Sun and the weather has been perfect - clear skies and day time temps in the mid 80s.
The hike took us around several coves of the irregular shoreline of the lake. Often the opposite shore was steep and craggy making wonderful reflections in the water. The last part of the trail went across a peninsula to another cove - Burro Cove was the turn around point and lunch stop. Total hike was 5.5 miles.

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