Sunday, October 2, 2011

FMCA Campground on Round Bottom Road in Cincinnati, Ohio

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I (Mary) am treasurer of our local southern Ontario motor home group, the Ontario Overlanders. This chapter is one of 450 chapters of the national Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA). Composed of 7 areas, our local area is the Great Lakes Area. Jon Walker, the president of the Great Lakes Area, invited a rep of each of the 35 chapters in the area to meetings at the national HQ building in Cincinnati, Ohio. We spent 2 nights in the campground and met several great folks who are committed to growing the organization. We learned a lot and headed home with enthusiasm and a renewed committment help grow the organization.
The campground has full service sites with water, 50 amp electric service, sewer and wifi. Members are allowed to say 2 nights per month for free.
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Settled in for the night
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At 8am on Monday morning, we met at the Clough Pike office of FMCA to meet with the director and staff to hear what they are doing for the members of the association and what we can do to help promote this great organization. It was a long but very productive day!
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A plaque in the lobby tells the story of the founding of the Family Motor Coach Association. "On Saturday, July 20, 1963. twenty five motor coaches arrived on a hilltop in Maine at Hinckley School. They were invited by Bob and Jena Richter to gather for an outing to view the eclipse of the sun. From this meeting, a group was formed to promote and facilitate the ownership and enjoyment of motor coaches."
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Arriving for the day of meetings is Brad Koshland, right, the Executive Director of FMCA and Jon Walker, President of the Great Lakes Area.
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Ariel photos of past national conventions. Those little dots each represent a motor home parked on a university campus, fairgrounds, and even an aircraft runway. Those conventions have drawn as many as 7000 RVs and include daily and nightly entertainment, excellant seminars on the RV lifestyle, maintenance and safety, vendors of everything for RV life, and making lots of new friends.
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Pictures of past presidents line the wall of the board room.
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Celebrating Birthdays

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On the way home from Cincinnati, we stopped in Goodrich, Michigan to visit with my sister Jacque and her husband Chuck on their horse boarding farm. Our son Derek works there taking care of the horses and we celebrated our birthdays with them.
The Fall colours are vivid and bright as they are reflected on Jacque's pond.
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Jacque and her horse Teddy, won several ribbons - four first places and one Show Champion - at a recent Dressage event. What a gal!!
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Celebrating Mary's birthday on September 23rd with our son Greg and his family.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

North of Toronto

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On Tuesday morning, September 13, Jack and I left home early and headed north of Toronto to cottage country. The trees have begun to turn the lovely Fall colours of red and yellow. North of Barrie, the terrain became more rocky and we often saw inukshuks stacked on the top of the rocks. The day was cloudy and cool but late in the afternoon, the sun came out to make the colours even more vivid.
First, we drove north of Parry Sound to Killbear Provincial Park. Our family camped here for many years. Our sons loved having their holidays here and often friends were camping the same weeks that we were there, so they always had someone to swim, windsurf and just hang out with. Campfires were a great time for stories, food and singing. We have wonderful memories of Killbear.
After spending a few hours driving around the park, we drove east toward the Bracebridge. Our friends, Gerry and Dia TerHaar spend their summer on Bonnie Lake - a small private lake with lots of rugged coastline and lovely scenery. We hiked and ate and enjoyed a fresh fish dinner in Bracebridge on Tuesday evening. They have little bit of paradise just a 2 1/2 hour drive from home. We spent the night and stayed until late Wednesday afternoon before heading home again.
North of Parry Sound, we take #559 to Killbear Provincial Park
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Just outside the entrace to the park is the "Killbear Mall" - a general store with everything you might need during your camping stay including ice cream cones for an after dinner treat.
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The beach at Kilcoursie. Today it is cool and cloudy but we have had MANY wonderful summer days swimming and playing with our family and friends on this beach.
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At Kilcoursie Bay, Jack would ride his windsurfer into the channel and around this island and return without getting wet!
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This was one of our favourite campsites at Beaver Dams
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The sunset rocks - we'd come to sit here and watch the summer sunsets over the far island
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The "high jumping rocks" where our teens loved to go to meet other kids and do some dare devil jumps into the deep water.
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