Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The colours are changing and we are ready to head south.

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Derek had injured his knee ....

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....so we'll stay home and enjoy the hot tub for now

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November - but we are still in Ontario

We have not posted to this blog over the summer as we consider it a "travel" blog and we have been at home in Brantford since mid-April. We have taken shorter trips to the GLASS Rally in Berrien Springs, Michigan, an FMCA area rally, in May. We also went to Lancaster county Pennsylvania in July to see more of this Amish area. We met Jack's cousin John Luth and his wife Alice and went to the the play "In the Beginning" at the Sight-Sound Theatre. From there we went to the FMCA National Rally in Bowling Green, Ohio. While we were there, Jack's mother passed away at the age of 93. We headed home and spent the rest of the summer enjoying our deck and new hot tub.
In September, we flew to the Netherlands and spent 2 lovely weeks traveling to visit elderly aunts and uncles and visiting with good friends Rien and Dorothy Keyzer. Jack got more information on Jagt family geneology. We had good weather and really enjoyed our visits.
Our plans to begin travel to the US Southwest, leaving on October 31, have had to be postponed. Two days before we were to leave, (with the RV almost fully packed) our son Derek fell and severely injured his knee. He cannot bear any weight and has a strained ligament and perhaps a tear in the meniscus inside the joint. He has begun physio and we will see the orthopedic surgeon again next week to determine if he needs arthroscopic surgery. So for the time being...... we will stay home and watch the leaves fall while we sit in our hot tub!