Friday, May 1, 2009

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Home !

On April 18, we arrived safely at home after driving nearly 11,000 miles over 159 days! Our travels took us from the eastern seaboard of the US , along all coasts of Florida, to Arizona and the south west US and as far as Hawaii and we LOVED every minute of it! If we did not miss our family and friends so much, we may have stayed on the road longer. But it was time to return to our new condo in Brantford and settle in for the summer season. But the weather has not been co-operative to say the least. A day of rain and a day of sun - over and over - as well as cool temps - we have to wear SOCKS! Horrors!
The day we drove from Indiana to Mary's sister Jacque's farm near Flint, Michigan, it rained very heavily making driving a challenge. The road to her farm is unpaved and the RV and tow car got absolutely filthy!! The place we park was fairly firm but the Jetta got stuck in the mud the next day and had to be towed out with the tractor! The next few days, the sun shone - though it was cold at night. We were really happy to see our son Derek again - he had a good winter working with the horses on the farm - but Michiganers are also anxious for Spring and sunnier days. Jack helped Chuck take out and old fense and Mary cleaned off the deck and got the summer furniture out. After some anxious time with a peacock (Clyde) who fell through a ceiling in the barn because of his amorous pursual of his lady friend (Bonnie) and broke his foot and lost all his tail feathers in a horse stall overnight with Foxy, we headed home on Saturday, April 18. We stopped on the way to have coffee with Jack's brother Hank and his wife Mary near Sarnia, then fuel, dump stop, and the truck wash for our very dirty RV!
We arrrived home at 5pm to the greetings of our neighbors and friends. The next day was Sunday and our church family gave us lots of hugs and "Welcome Home"s. Tara and Greg and Tie (the family dog) gave us a lovely dinner and we talked til late at night. Now we just have to tackle a huge mound of accumulated mail ....................
But is good to be HOME!

Jack and Chuck are taking down a fence at the farm

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Sunday dinner with Greg and Tara

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